Discovering your creative process is an extremely powerful thing. Once you understand how you work you can focus on the creation and not the process. Your flow of energy will happen naturally. And you will be able to realize your potential beyond anything you ever imagined. For years I had a creative block, which was ironic since I was living in a mecca of inspiration, New York City. When someone would ask whether I was an artist I would say “Well, I’m trying to be one” or “I used to be... That’s what I went to school for.” Then, about a year and a half ago, a close friend of mine told me to declare “I AM an artist!” and to say it with conviction. Since that day I started to own that title, but more than that to make it a lifestyle. A part of my everyday routine, existence and outflow of energy. It is almost impossible for me to go a day without thinking about the next creation. My sketchbook has become the one thing I can’t leave the house without. Another friend, when asked why he enjoyed my art so much, said “You are your art, your art is you.” There is no distinction between the two ideas. The more genuine you are with your creations, the more connections you will make in life. And those connections, those moments of pure joy, happiness and gratitude, are the most valuable things in life.
Tip of the week: My friend Guenevere gave me this piece of advice and it’s worked wonders! Start making new connections today. Use a small black book with lines (I love my Moleskin) to create your “guest list.” Every time you meet someone that would be interested in your work or may be a great person to work with, have them write down there info. This way it’s all in one place and it looks extremely professional. It’s so much better than collecting 500 business cards or writing it on a bunch of post-its.